Good day and greetings to all. We honor you and all your choices on this earthly endeavor, for this human experience is the playground for you to act out all your joys and fears. Within all these choices there is much you want to “get” as well as much you want to “keep away.” You tell yourself; “If I just do this then I will get the reward that I want. If I just say this then I will be right, feel blameless, and be loved. If I just eat this food or drink this thing, then I will be healthy, free of disease, and escape suffering. You even bargain with God in your prayers to get what you want by sometimes making a “special promise.” Your bargains may appear small or large, however, you are always making bargains with God, your children, friends, co-workers, family members, and yourself, all to get something you think you need, or long to have.
Within all this is a great fear of wanting to escape judgment, ridicule, criticism, and even death. This life is not here to be escaped. You are writing this wonderful life story to learn about yourself and your Soul longing for wholeness, healing, and growth. Any bargain you have attempted to make, often multiple times a day has done nothing but trick you into believing that any momentary “gain” you have made will somehow have lasting or permanent value.
We say drop the constant rationale, the endless reasoning, and manipulation, and Be at Peace. Not later, right here, right Now. Just as you are in this moment. For in this moment is the Endless Now of You. The magnificent Being that “needs” nothing. There is nothing to gain or bargain for because deep within, you already are Everything. Breathe and expand this inner knowing into a deep understanding. Trust and know that this temporary life journey is about Giving without thought of a return. For nothing you could ever obtain is greater than what you already are. And so it is.
The Light Group
(as Interpreted by Mary Cenci)