Greetings to all. What a beautiful day to experience the wonder and excitement that you are creating even though it is often overlooked as such. There is so much that in what you call the “course of a day” that you fail to see and hear. Your physical senses are wonderful gifts for you to use while navigating this Earth plane, however, the more subtle senses bring you the deeper and greater understanding of your life experiences.
To take anything on surface sight is missing the opportunity for greater vision. Each experience, and every moment is but a small part of a larger picture. To begin to truly ‘see’ and ‘hear,’ you must only change the channel on your usual station of perception and begin to pay attention in a new way. This practice may seem challenging, however, you have already done this many times unaware.
We are always sending you messages in response to your requests, while telling you how wonderful you are and how much you are loved. Just breathe and relax. You may hear or deny our whispers, feel our support, recognize an inner knowing or have tingling sensations through your form. These are all examples of your inner senses, sometimes called your intuition. These are the connections. Nothing has left you. You must only breathe and slow your mind, removing self-doubt and begin to trust that all knowledge is within you, and all true sight is inner sight.
Your constant longing for reaffirmation that there is something beyond this world is being sent with your every request and thought. All answers are given. You are never alone and never will be. You would be amazed to know how many helpers seen and unseen are surrounding you all throughout your life.
We invite you to see all things starting in this moment as a joyful opportunity to heal, grow, and learn. There is so much beauty in all things. Pause and pull back the curtains, remove the outer coverings, and be still to know and see the true value and purpose of Love in its many forms. Hear our songs of gladness as we celebrate your journey. For all is here for you. And So It Is.
The Light Group
(as interpreted by Mary Cenci)