Since your first breath, you were being taught something. Each interaction, each energetic vibration of those around you, each physical and non-physical action, began to teach you something about your Self and the world. As you grew, you began to take on the beliefs of others as well as decide what your own beliefs would look like based on what you were being taught. Teaching comes from many different areas, and people, as well as your society, your culture, and your family. All are teaching you something about their version of the world. With all this information coming into your form, you develop self-talk that reinforces or rejects what you perceive around you, depending on how you feel as emotions rise up. You then connect those feelings to what you are being taught to determine what you think is good or bad, right or wrong. You make many levels of interconnections as your conscious and subconscious mind quickly scans your past memories, attaching to what you are experiencing, to make what you think is the appropriate judgment. 

Throughout your life stream, all this becomes more and more complex, as your mind constantly reinforces what you want to see and believe is the Truth. The Truth of Who You Are is infinitely more simple than all these stories that you constantly tell yourself. Each day, you continue to write a complicated and often dramatic story as you continue to search for the next best ‘teaching.’ Look closely at your tightly held beliefs and ask yourself if they have ever given you what you really wanted. Consider erasing those stories that no longer serve you. For nothing outside your Self will ever fulfill the inner longing to truly know the Truth of Who You Are. This infinite You is so expansive, it has no beginning and no end to apply a teaching to, when It Is All teachings. You Are this expansive Self that goes beyond all beliefs, all lessons, teachings, and everything you look upon. Everything is in the past. You Are and will always be this Changeless Love energy. Rest in that knowing today and let the arms of True Peace envelope you.

And So it Is. 

The Light Group 

(as interpreted by Mary Cenci)