Spiritual Response Therapy, commonly known as SRT, is a powerful method that uses dowsing to bypass the conscious mind and its negative programming and connect with the subconscious and guidance at Spiritual and Soul levels. As old negative programs, beliefs and blocks are identified, they are cleared and replaced with positive energy.

This allows you to access inner peace within yourself, with your health, and in your relationships.

Everyone is unique, so the exact response to a clearing will be different for each person. It will also vary from session to session as we have multiple energy bodies that are always shifting. After an SRT clearing, the various energy bodies release “stuck” patterns and come back into balance as your soul then integrates the new shift in positive energy.

In general, a “clearing out” of negative energies has a rapid and marked effect on one’s health, relationships, and brings a sense of lightness and well-being.*

Individual Session

A Spiritual Response Therapy Testimonial

I have seen Mary for help with physical and emotional issues with much success. I have also done a relationship clearing with my spouse and the results were honest to goodness nothing short of a miracle!
— T.B. / Children’s Book Author

In addition, land, home, and business clearing can be done with SRT. Often, traumatic events on a piece of land or in a home can leave behind dense, stuck "energy" and are felt by people in a variety of negative and fearful ways. This can include the spirit of a person who has not transitioned over completely. Children and animals can easily sense this and it can be very fearful to them, especially in the dark. As a result these young kids can have unexplained anxiety, fear, and a difficult time sleeping

A land and home clearing can correct this and bring peace into the space. Often, there is an immediate, noticeable effect and feeling that something has changed or lifted, as well as household pets are significantly calmer. Home clearings will include an individual clearing for all people and pets at the location

SRT was developed by Robert E. Detzler and accepts the premise that everyone has experienced a previous existence in both spiritual and incarnational realms. Accessing and clearing energy from the Akashic Records where every being has vibrational records of their soul's journey is deeply healing and life-changing. Negative energy and limiting beliefs established in prior lifetimes or realms, as well as in the present, can keep an individual from realizing their full potential. The purpose of SRT is to empower and assist individuals in creating a positive future for themselves and for the planet.

Personal, Home, Business and Land Clearing

A Home Clearing Testimonial

I noticed a change in my children’s behaviors and an unsettling shift in our home environment. The change was subtle at first. They were afraid to go downstairs alone, homework time ended in tantrums and tears, and they were constantly fighting. I remember all of us feeling more restless, irritable and tired. The kids began having nightmares, voicing fears over many things, and unlike my son he even wet the bed. Once Mary cleared our home I felt lighter and noticed the kids were acting more loving and connected. I couldn’t believe the change I saw as my children bounced around enjoying each other again, and the negativity was gone! I believe 100% in the work Mary does and have experienced it first hand. My children are clear barometers, and when things go off Mary is always my first call!
— B.V.

Photo by Chris Cenci