Look beyond the exterior of everything you see. This is where the unlimited power that lies within you is quietly waiting for you to decide who you want to BE today…
Each day you find yourself in your human vehicle ready or not to travel. You decide what to say, what to think, and what direction to follow. It may not be easily noticed by you, however…
Every instant is another opportunity to decide what ME you would like to BE today. You get to decide. Your world is not here to define who you are…
As you journey through this life, there are many different paths that all lead to the same place. We speak of that deep inner connection that calls you home. Within that is your inner awakening and peace. Each Soul gets to choose which roads and paths to take…
All parts of the Whole fit together. Your Light connects to all around you, seen and unseen. Your Love is the Likeness of all creation. If you are wanting to begin a life of greater opening and awareness, of getting to know your True Spiritual Self, it would be suggested to stop and let yourself come to a place of unknowing…
What clients are saying after working with Mary
“I was so stuck in a pattern of negative thinking that I didn’t even realize its sabotaging effects. I was able to recognize and release the pain in just one session.”
“After years of overwhelming sadness, my life has been fundamentally transformed.”
“I’m not worried or overthinking everything like I used to.”
“These sessions have enabled me to heal so much faster than traditional talk therapy.”
There are constant forces of energy like golden threads moving around you and within you. Upon these are built layers and layers of emotions, past experiences, and beliefs. You have amassed these from your birth into this life and from previous lives…