Greetings Dear Ones and welcome to the Earth School! We see you, we feel you, and we know of the courage it takes to play out this journey you have chosen. There are times you may feel like “throwing in the towel”, thinking you will get relief from your suffering and all the struggles of this life that seem to be happening beyond your control. However, we say bravo and look up, for these very events, experiences, and things you define as struggles are sent to you most lovingly and did not arrive at random. Your Soul Consciousness that knows of the divine plan within, allows you to create all these moments for the greatest benefit of your Soul’s desire to learn and heal.
As you read and question this you may be rapidly reviewing an experience from your past. We know that there are many things that you have rejected and judged to be unacceptable. As you do this mind review, we invite you to widen the screen on this past movie that you are replaying. As your vision expands, it can take in more space, more people, more things, more feelings, and allow you a greater opportunity to understand the multitude of responses that were coming from all around you and within you.
Could there really be no accidents? You can begin today to view the deeper reasons that you and others made their choices. You can begin to see your past judgments that were limiting your deeper learning and how all the pieces of your consciousness fit together in ways that bring a new understanding which was previously overlooked. Beyond your eyesight is your true spiritual vision that takes you into each moment to the knowing that there are always numerous ways for you to respond. All of this is happening for you to learn with Love about the wonderful You!
Remember this day when you think or say limiting statements that begin with, “I don’t see a way…” or “It won’t work out to…”. Take a deep breath and release any need to restrict your creations and experiences. What a joy to know this inner freedom that has always been with you and shine your Soul Light in a new way. And so it is.
The Light Group
(As interpreted by Mary Cenci)
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