Greetings Dear Ones. You now seem to be traveling through what you know as linear time during your calendar’s season of celebration. While on this journey each day in your miraculous physical form, you experience a wide variety of human emotions. They come to you flowing like waves of energy through your body. Some of them are subtle and some come loudly. With each experience moment to moment these feelings seem to be connected to your special beliefs and judgments of the world around you. These emotions that feel so real and seem based in fact, keep coming up over and over. Negative thinking stops this wave and flow of emotion and causes it to become stuck within your many energetic systems.
So what do you celebrate? You don’t like the uncomfortable feelings so you look for ways to deny, escape, or act them out. Your search to feel ‘better’ or more special than another, can take you to many places to seek comfort, while attempting to rid yourself of this stuck emotional energy. You reach out to find this comfort in many forms. It might be through a diversion or distraction activity, using a chemical substance, and frequently with the use of food. As with food, you have even labeled some of it as ‘comforting’ while hoping it will fill a sense of loss and emptiness. Along this search you may have found what you are looking for, only to realize it was at best, a temporary reprieve from your emotional discomfort. Wanting to escape or cover up these feelings can often lead some to choose extreme behaviors that then lead to even more stuck energy, increasing the sense of fear, guilt, loss and sadness.
We say stop the search and rest. Rejoice in knowing that the Comfort and Joy you’ve been longing for is within you and has only been covered up. It cannot be found from outside you in another person, object or substance.
Instead of repeatedly searching and finding only temporary relief from your inner self, begin to see your emotions as blessed gifts. They are not here to harm you in any way. They are felt within you, however, they are not a permanent part of you. They are a wonderful way for you to experience your spiritual self in human form. They are to be recognized, acknowledged and released. Refrain from the temptation to attack and blame another or yourself for your feeling state. These emotions are truly gifts that are calling out for your attention and healing.
During this time that you have labeled your holiday season, remember the power you have to begin to investigate your choices, beliefs, and fears. Use your breath to connect to the Comfort and Joy that is infinitely within you. It has never left you, however, it can be felt and triggered by a smile, a hand holding yours, a kind word or a warm embrace. Even if these things were no longer within your experience, your inner Comfort and expansive Joy are patiently waiting for you to know there is an endless supply. Celebrate the gifts that are in each moment, for all are freely given to you to reawaken the Soul’s Light and Love within. For within Love is all things. Within all things is You. We surround you with Love and support. Know that true Comfort and Joy means you are never alone. Celebrate your magnificence each day and it will echo out to all.
The Light Group
(as interpreted by Mary Cenci)
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