Welcome dear ones. It is our honor to communicate with you through a vast communication network with our messenger. There is so much happening beyond your conscious awareness. You are always communicating something. There is never a moment when you are not sending or receiving, whether with another or yourself. Every thought you think spirals out as energy in a communication to the Universe. It happens rapidly when the communications are loving and joyful, however, those of a negative nature travel and surround you with a slow, sluggish type energy. The same concept applies to the spoken word, however, the energy may not appear as subtle as it reaches the ears of another before it echoes out into the cosmos. 

The power of communicating using the spoken word is more noticeable as it rapidly expands or contracts your energy fields. When this happens, it acts as a triggering mechanism for many to connect to stuck emotions of a past memory and experience. Beyond the spoken word are your actions that communicate loudly out to all. Even though the triggering mechanisms and resulting emotions are so strong and so varied among individuals, communicating through actions speaks volumes. Are your thoughts, words and actions congruent? Do your words, thoughts and actions resonate together in harmony, or are they in conflict creating a noise that is confusing, chaotic, and in need of fine tuning? 

You may choose to be an observer of what you are communicating on a deeper level to the world and to yourself. For your form not only has eyes and ears, your True Self goes beyond this form to an Infinite and expansive Soul that is aware of everything. When this form is gone, your Soul continues to communicate in many dimensional fields of energy and Light. 

Today, practice being aware of all the many subtle as well as the powerful ways you send and receive communications throughout the day. There are a tremendous amount of messages being sent and received by you on so many levels in each moment, that are attempting to get your attention. 

The ultimate purpose of the body is to communicate. 

Observe what are you saying. Are you communicating love, fear, compassion, or guilt? Pause, breathe and listen. Listen to your body, listen to your thoughts, listen to your reactions, listen to your heart, listen to the sounds and words around you and know that all are here for your Soul learning. There is so much to hear in the silence. As your awareness grows, so will the deeper meanings and communications of your experiences on this miraculous journey you are creating. And so it is. 

The Light Group

(as interpreted by Mary Cenci)

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