Looking everywhere all the time. Your mind is always in an active state as you endlessly search your surroundings, your relationships, and your world to give you something that you think you are lacking. This search began as an infant, as you searched for nourishment, for comfort, and for love. You have continued this search with a mind that thinks it must find many things to make itself ‘feel’ good. This kind of search is endless and will always leave you feeling empty, like trying to hold onto happiness as it passes through a sieve, like water.
In this search, you have been taught to look for ways to feel good or better. These emotions are of the mind, which are a result of a thought. A thought originates from a judgment made of a perception of the world around you. Putting these together results in what you call a state or attitude. There is no ‘state’ of Peace, Joy, or Love. They are You! They are not emotional states that you must search for, fight for, and hold onto. Because you can change a thought, it shows you that all thoughts and states are temporary. They are fleeting at best and leave you longing to fill the emotional discontent. The only permanence is the Infinite Self. This is everything. It needs not be searched for, or found, or deserved, only recognized. This is the Light of Divinity within you that creates your world.
Remember you are the star of this story. You may call off the search for what is already here. Your heart knows you are more than your feelings, projections, and perceptions, and with curiosity and innocence, you can choose to surrender what you think you know. Be open and rest in the Unlimited Love that lies within you quietly waiting for you to decide to Be Who You Truly Are. All is well and So It Is.
The Light Group
(as interpreted By Mary Cenci)