There are so many kinds of relationships. While in this bodily form you weave energy through and around all of them each day. Some of them are brief encounters, some friendly and casual, and some filled with drama, expectations and demands. You attempt to put them into categories that make sense to your mind, however, the ones you call “special” are placed in a separate category all unto themselves.
These special love/hate relationships are filled with subtle and not-so-subtle types of manipulation, judgments, blame, and guilt.
You have so much to learn about yourself from each other and through all your varied creations of expression. These ‘so-called’ separate bodies seen as special, bring you multitudes of gifts wrapped in many disguised packages. As you attract your gifts of life experience in relationships, every thought, word, and action you express tells the tale to you and the world what you have within that is in need of personal soul healing. It could be learning forgiveness, patience, compassion, courage, strength, or peace.
There is so much joy in this. You have come here with others who want to help you. The challenge is that they do not always appear as willing helpers, however, they quickly and clearly show you by your emotional response, where healing awaits. All of these human encounters present you with invitations to look deeper within, as you are perfectly capable of thinking something different from the old thoughts of the past.
Each time you practice this it begins to unravel the knot of suffering you’ve been tying so tight for so long. No matter how confused, upset, or in denial you are, or how much you think the world has mistreated you, there is always another door to walk through.
Today, you can set the intention to be a loving presence to yourself and to all others. Drop the definition of ‘special.’ All are connected. All is well. There are so many opportunities to love. To Be Love. You have only forgotten this. And So It Is.
The Light Group
(as interpreted By Mary Cenci)