We welcome you dear ones with a great generosity of spirit. We expect nothing of you and are here to support you and love you through all your choices and experiences. Today as in all days, you have many expectations. You have expectations of others, of yourself, of your body and of your God. You expect to get something, to receive things from others, some not even in your conscious thought. You make choices each moment as what you want to give. As you make the decision to ‘give,’ you have many fears and expectations that arise. The fearful aspect of the human mind is so afraid of what it is losing or what it may lose that it restricts itself in the experience of giving. For the fearful mind says there is always a limited amount of everything and it must protect and hold onto what it has. 

Being truly generous comes from within, fearlessly giving without an expectation of return, acknowledgment, or reward. The truly generous Soul knows there is an endless flow of abundance in all things coming to each individual. In your temporary world of constant change, it appears that things and people can be lost, however, the nature of your True Self is Infinite. When given with intention, this Infinite Love Essence of You is the True endless energy that expands from your heart and echoes out to all. Choose to be generous with your expression of Love, kindness, caring, compassion in every circumstance and situation. There is never a possibility of using up or losing this Love, for giving is expansion as you are an unlimited extension of the Creator Source that gives and flows to you in a constant generous stream.

The Light Group

(as interpreted by Mary Cenci)

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