Today is a new day. What a marvelous day it is, for you have chosen this day to paint upon your canvas everything with which to expand your physical and spiritual knowledge and maturity. You may use a small amount of paint and color and with tentative, cautious brush strokes, attempt to control your design. You may also be creatively bold and fearless, watching your life masterpiece unfold with confidence having no worries of judgments or critique from others. 

Each day you place upon this Earth laboratory many experiments. Some of them you label as failures, others you see as a success. As you choose to bemoan or grieve over the ‘failure’ or celebrate the ‘success’, we say to recognize that both teach you valuable information about yourself, your expectations of others, and your inner agendas. As such, there are no failed experiments for all are here for the glorious joy of your learning. 

Begin again this day to decide what your next experiment will be. Observing your choices and intentions you will see how many others you will enlist to participate. You will know whether you are continually repeating past scenarios or choosing to venture out to construct a new tale to tell. Everything you have experienced, no matter how you label it, has brought you to this exact unlimited, loving moment in time and could not have been any other way. Each moment is another opportunity for you to see deeper into your grander self as you practice playing and learning on this enormous stage that starts today. And so It Is.

The Light Group

(as interpreted by Mary Cenci)

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