Greetings Dear Ones. We invite you today to know yourselves as joy in this moment. Not joy found outside, the joy that is always within you. Joy, peace, forgiveness, freedom, these are all attributes of your ‘spirit’ available to you in each moment. 

Be-ing ‘spiritual’ means you have the ability to connect to this joyful Self with the breath, which unites with the expansive power and Light of all life. This spirit energy within you is pulsing in rhythm with all forms of life, and your awareness of this, no matter how minimal, is the spiritual journey. As your awareness grows, you could say your ‘spirituality’ expands. This is not about abandoning the world of outer form, it is about gently turning inward in this moment, and into the expanse of the formless.

The ‘spirit’ that is within you is waiting patiently to be recognized by you in a way that brings you more deeply into knowing your Self. Going within and breathing deeply into this Limitless Source defines the simplicity of what you call spirituality. This does not require special books, objects or sounds, for your Source goes past all the mind trappings of this impermanent world into the Infinite World, with just the breath. All things in your outer world may be helpful guides if you choose, however, they are not necessary to help you find what has never been lost. 

You are so much more than you could ever imagine and we see you as having just dipped a toe into the Limitless Greatness of You. Take a moment now, breathe, turn inward, and trust in the path that leads you in. This is Spirituality. And So It Is. 

The Light Group

(as interpreted by Mary Cenci)

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