(from Together I Learn copyright 2020)

So many people feel like they are suffering with what feels like a heavy, dark cloud of sadness around them. In your society today, you are taught the idea that a person must always be happy and be in constant pursuit of it to feel good. It becomes considerable pressure to do all you can to get happiness and keep it for yourself.

With this search outside yourself, there is a tremendous desire to deny, avoid, and escape the other less happy feeling emotions. This thinking creates a cycle like a continuous loop that adds to a feeling of heaviness that can encompass a person. This creates an revolving internal conflict.

Just imagine for a moment that everything you think in your mind is meaningless, and nothing has value unless you give it meaning. The true value is not in the way your mind defines it, however, it is in the way your Soul sees it. On a Soul level, everything has value for learning. For each Soul has many things it wants to accomplish here. That is why you cannot look at another and know what is best for them.

All emotions are important and viable. Your attachments to them are what trip you up. Your bodies are only the vehicles for communicating and bringing this learning to the Soul. You may grab the wheel and steer this ship of yours in any direction you choose. Choose Love. Think Love. It empowers and expands within you and reverberates out to all around you and beyond.

The Light Group

(as interpreted by Mary Cenci)