All struggles are a result of emotional traumas, false beliefs, and judgments that were established in the past and imprinted upon the Soul as it travels through its many journeys in the body. All Souls have intentions of learning, then once here the intentions are forgotten as your lives are acted out often replaying the same suffering and painful emotions again and again. Every Soul has a plan to excitedly receive these healing opportunities and make a shift in each lifetime, however, once here, you forget to remember. Instead of remembering the plan, the ego consciousness takes over and demands someone take responsibility for all this. This procession of opposition and absence of forgiveness will keep you steadfast in an endless cycle of unhappiness. We wait patiently and attentively for you to turn the corner to awareness. 

If you could purposely take the high road, your perspective would be completely different. Imagine having a vantage point that was literally high above all the stories of your life. You look down and get to see how every piece of your life puzzle fits together perfectly as well as have an understanding of all the reasons that everyone made the choices that they did. You can be a living expression of kindness, even with something as simple as a smile. What a discovery to know that you have the power within you to make so many healing changes. It was not outside you after all. All are connected, and all is well. Remember to extend compassion and understanding to your self and your Soul brother who always comes bearing gifts. And So It Is. 

The Light Group 

As interpreted By Mary Cenci 

(Excerpt from Together I Learn © 2020)