Each day you place upon this Earth laboratory many experiments. Some of them you label as failures, others you see as a success. As you choose to bemoan or grieve over the ‘failure’ or celebrate the ‘success’, we say to recognize that both teach you valuable information about yourself…
Today as in all days, you have many expectations. You have expectations of others, of yourself, of your body and of your God. You expect to get something, to receive things from others, some not even in your conscious thought.
We welcome you in this moment to join us in our knowingness of the remembrance of your True Self. We invite you to begin to know your Self as you have always been. Not the ‘you’ in a body, we refer to your infinite Soul Self that lights the way and shines your greatness into the Universe as you journey home…
Greetings Dear Ones. We are gathered together to discuss this energy you so long for. Your search to belong. You look for others to join with, to complain with, to share your happiness and to share your misery. You look to others for acceptance…