The power of you to create is endless. Your creations begin with the thousands of thoughts that pass through your mind every day. There are so many that if you chose to speak every word you thought you would be one busy and talkative person! Depending on what you think, you can feel great one moment and not so great the next. You may have noticed this busy mind and that some thoughts are ruminated over endlessly until they get caught in a twisting, turning, mind loop…
Good day and greetings to all. We honor you and all your choices on this earthly endeavor, for this human experience is the playground for you to act out all your joys and fears. Within all these choices there is much you want to “get” as well as much you want to “keep away.” You tell yourself; “If I just do this then I will get the reward that I want…
On this journey, you hope and dream of many things. You anticipate with worry what will happen next. You anticipate with worry that something won’t happen. You hope and pray that something will change in the future and be different than what you think and see in this moment. Your mind is always telling you there must be something better….
Greetings Dear Ones. We invite you today to know yourselves as joy in this moment. Not joy found outside, the joy that is always within you. Joy, peace, forgiveness, freedom, these are all attributes of your ‘spirit’ available to you in each moment…